
The basis of the company’s decarbonization is the effective management of greenhouse gas emissions. The article visualizes in graphic material the forecast values of the mass of greenhouse gas emissions in the fuel and energy sector of Russia until 2030 and determines the trends in their changes. Based on the results of the analysis, it was revealed that in order to achieve a low-carbon development path, it is necessary to introduce additional measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of the scientific research is to develop a corporate carbon management system, which can become a guideline for the development of corporate systems by Russian oil and gas companies. A reliable system for recording and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions serves as the basis for obtaining up-to-date, complete and reliable data. At the same time, for the quality control of the decarbonization process, a scheme of interaction within the company should be clearly built. The development and implementation of a carbon management system will allow the company to systematically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will create conditions for the transformation of climate risks associated with government regulation into the category of opportunities such as entering carbon markets, attracting investors, etc. The authors note that in most large Russian companies have already developed and introduced carbon management systems into production. After analyzing the current greenhouse gas accounting system of JSC “Zarubezhneft’’, the authors propose to create a carbon management system taking into account the specifics of the company, which consists in organizing activities on the territory of different countries (Cuba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Russia). It is proposed to adapt the methodological approaches for calculating greenhouse gas emissions to the requirements of the legislation in force in the territory where the production facilities of the JSC “Zarubezhneft’’ are located, and also to apply national coefficients in the calculation to ensure more accurate emission estimates. The result of the study is the development of the concept of the carbon management system of JSC “Zarubezhneft’’.

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