
The contemporary marks of the experience of a post-pandemic world have been expressed in political bodies whose intersectionalities resist a necropolitical state. This article seeks, from an epistemic and theoretical foundation, to dialogue with the narrative experiences of women in different Brazilian contexts managed by intersectionalities and Amefricanity. To do so, we follow sensitive traces of narratives produced throughout doctoral theses developed with female and feminist political bodies, who belong to a research group that positions itself as a trench in the academic universe. For we dialogue with intelletucal, theater, rap, fishing and lace-making women, women who face the experience of racism and machism in their relationships with life and make art and work their means of resistance and confrontation. For a situated black feminism, talking about intersectionality and Amefricanity contributes to deconstructing discursive practices, proposing other epistemologies whose networks tessitures allow affirming other identity pathways sustained by political, racial, economic and gender equality.

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