
Since the Discovery of structure (space-conformal) significant of α-helix and double helix of DNA, in April 1953, in the paper from 25th April 1953 by Francis Crick and James D. Watson, which were published supersignificant paper focused on this theme, win the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1962. In this 900 words of text in superjournal NATURE co-authored Maurice Wilkins, the real discoverist of structure of DNA was Rosalind Elsie FRANKLIN, so called DNA´s DARK LADY, who died only in 37 years on Cancer of ovaria. The Really Heroes of Great Scientific Discoveries are namely these, which are in the background, like a Grey Eminents, often gave for the Science all, unfortunately the health, freedom, happiness and their fragile life. The First Analytical method of sequenation and replication of DNA by method PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) invented by Nobel Prize Winner 1993 Kary Mullis with M. Smith. The PCR analytical method contributed to invention of discovery of genetics scissors, molecular scalpel – the new method of gene editing with rather unwieldy name CRISPR-Cas 9 based gene editing research at nanoscale, can do based of DNA sequencing and switch genes off or an insertion. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 has finally been awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna. Thanks to these genetics-analytical discoveries the whole Mankind was salvationed from Biologicial Lethal Weapons SARS-Cov2-19 and many mutational virions escaped intentionally or randomized from Biohazard boxes in the biologicaly laboratories or from contaminationed Nature (Antarctica, Siberia, Aral Sea, Wu-chan) and maybe caused by the Warming Global Climate. The same significant like MULLIS, DOUDNA and CHARPENTIER was scientific work of Prof. RNDr. Antonín Holý, Dr.Sc., Dr.hc., who discovered virostatics on Cancer of Human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil 9 and Cervarix, AIDS resp. HIV, Hepatitide and also Coronavirus. The newest message from the current world coronavirus situation is project of spike protein vaccine Novavax financially and scientifically supported by Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

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