
Introduction: As Australian federal, and state, governments prepared for the possible influx of critically ill patients associated with Coronavirus disease 2019, initiatives were sought to assist frontline healthcare workers meet the complex care requirements of these patients. Objectives: To describe development, implementation, and evaluation of an evidence-based online critical care nursing education program to upskill a registered nurse workforce in response to Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Methods: A team of experienced acute and critical care nursing, medical practitioners, education specialists, online and mobile learning specialists, and front-line workers were assembled. This team designed, developed, and delivered, via an online platform, ten educational modules for upskilling Victoria, Australia’s registered nursing workforce. Results: An online Critical Care Essentials course was launched in May 2020. In its first month 2875 students had accessed this course. Course evaluation (n = 395 students) found over 92% responded favourably (Strongly Agree or Agree) to all 14 Likert style questions. Inductive qualitative course feedback revealed four core themes: applicability, accessibility, engagement, and endorsement. Conclusions: An inter-professional and inter-organisational model was proposed for the development and implementation of future online programs. This innovative project demonstrated how a university department of nursing collaborated with government and industry partners to rapidly respond to develop and implement an online educational program. This program was immediately responsive to local, national, and international urgency. Funding: Safer Care Victoria, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, supported course development and implementation. Initial funding enabled 2000 Victorian nurses to access this course without charge.

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