
Although the deterioration in the health situation inherited from the outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid_19)in general, the health, social and economic conditions, malnutrition, lack of cleanliness , lack of healthprotection and health resources, particularly with regard to public health and disease, the importance ofhealth prevention and health counseling health advice has received a lot of attention by some to care forand protect people. Against the risks of spreading chronic epidemics as well as general communicable ornon-communicable infectious diseases or potential physical, biological, organic, mental, psychological andother diseases, The Corona virus (Covid_19) is one of the most important coronary viruses, and it is a virusthat was first discovered in (1960 AD), and this virus appeared on (December 31, 2019 AD) also in WuhanProvince in Hubei, central China. Due to the development of the virus and its spread in many developedand developing countries. The World Health Organization declared its international importance as a publichealth crisis, as the country worked to stop all domestic and foreign flights to control the outbreak.

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