
The heating of the lower solar corona is examined using numerical simulations and theoretical models of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in open magnetic regions. A turbulent energy cascade to small length scales perpendicular to the mean magnetic field can be sustained by driving with low-frequency Alfven waves reflected from mean density and magnetic field gradients. This mechanism deposits energy efficiently in the lower corona, and we show that the spatial distribution of the heating is determined by the mean density through the Alfven speed profile. This provides a robust heating mechanism which can explain observed high coronal temperatures and accounts for the significant heating (per unit volume) distribution below 2 solar radii needed in models of the origin of the solar wind. The obtained heating per unit mass, on the other hand, is much more extended, indicating that the heating on a per-particle basis persists throughout all the lower coronal region considered here. Subject headings: MHD — Sun: corona — turbulence

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