
We present an analysis of ten cool stars (Algol, Capella, Procyon, Eri, Cen A&B, UX Ari, AD Leo, YY Gem, and HR 1099) observed with the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This sample contains all cools stars observed with the LETGS presently available to us with integration times suciently long to warrant a meaningful spectral analysis. Our sample comprises inactive, moderately active, and hyperactive stars and samples the bulk part of activity levels encountered in coronal X-ray sources. We use the LETGS spectra to carry out density and temperature diagnostics with an emphasis on the H-like and the He-like ions. We find a correlation between line flux ratios of the Ly and He-like resonance lines with the mean X-ray surface flux. We determine densities using the He-like triplets. For all stars we find no significant deviations from the low-density limit for the ions of Ne, Mg, and Si, while the measured line ratios for the ions of C, N, and O do show evidence for departures from the low-density limit in the active stars, but not in the inactive stars. Best measurements can be made for the Ovii triplet where we find significant deviations from the low-density limit for the stars Algol, Procyon, YY Gem, Eri, and HR 1099. We discuss the influence of radiation fields on the interpretation of the He-like triplet line ratios in the low-Z ions, which is relevant for Algol, and the influence of dielectronic satellite lines, which is relevant for Procyon. For the active stars YY Gem, Eri, and HR 1099 the low f=i ratios can unambiguously be attributed to high densties in the range 1-3 10 10 cm 3 at Ovii temperatures. We find our LETGS spectra to be an extremely useful tool for plasma diagnostics of stellar coronae.

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