
Traditionally, interstitial pregnancies were treated with cornual resection or hysterectomy via laparotomy. However, increasingly, interstitial pregnancies are treated with laparoscopic cornuotomy, ie, removal of ectopic pregnancy tissue with preservation of uterine architecture. Although this technique may increase the incidence of persistent and recurrent interstitial pregnancy, it can potentially maintain patient fertility and decrease their risk forfuture uterine rupture. In a case series of patients with interstitial pregnancies treated with cornual wedge resection, we examined fertility outcomes, rates of subsequent uterine rupture, and rates of persistent or recurrent interstitial pregnancy. We conducted a retrospective medical record review of cases (n=29) of cornual wedge resection for interstitial pregnancy, performed between 1992 and 2013 at one hospital. Of the 29 cases, two later presented with uterine rupture; one, who also had a prior wedge resection, was found with scar dehiscence during a subsequent caesarean section. The incidence of subsequent uterine rupture and dehiscence was 30%. There were no cases of persistent ectopic pregnancy or recurrent interstitial pregnancy. Most (71.4%) patients who were trying to conceive achieved subsequent pregnancy. There is debate regarding the recommended surgical technique to treat interstitial pregnancies; cornual resection and cornuotomy are both important considerations. Choice of the technique employed continues to require careful consideration.

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