
To develop a novel tear substitute (TS) containing sodium hyaluronate (SH) and dodecahydrosqualene (DHS, squalane), we improved the prescription of a previously developed TS containing saline, 0.5% SH and 1% castor oil (CO), which had corneal protective effects against 60-min desiccation in a porcine dry eye model and viscosity of 106.8 mPa·S. Fresh porcine eyes were treated with a TS containing saline, 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.3% or 0.5% SH, and 1% CO or 1%, 2.5% or 5% DHS, and TS-treated eyes were desiccated for up to 180 min. The corneal damage was evaluated by the staining score of methylene blue (MB), absorbance of MB extracted from the cornea, the staining density of lissamine green (LG) and histopathology. The viscosities of the examined TS were also measured. A saline/0.5% SH/1% DHS solution had corneal protective effects for 90 min under desiccation and a viscosity of 110.0 mPa·s. A TS with saline, 0.1%, 0.25% or 0.3% SH and 1% or 2.5% DHS did not have better protective effects than a saline/0.5% SH/1% DHS solution, although a saline/0.3% SH/5% DHS solution exhibited greater corneal protection against 180-min desiccation on MB and LG staining and histopathological examination, and its viscosity was 34.5 mPa·s, which was similar to the 29.5 mPa·s of 0.3% SH. The saline/0.3% SH/5% DHS solution is available as a novel 3-hr long-lasting TS containing mucinomimetic and liquid oil components to treat and relieve dry eye symptoms in animals and humans.

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