
AbstractFoliar application of dinoseb (2‐sec‐butyl‐4‐.6‐dinitro phenol) has been reported to increase the grain yield of corn (Zea mays L.) The objective of our work was to evaluate the response of dent corn hybrids adapted to the northern region of the Corn Belt to foliar applications of dinoseb. Several rates of dinoseb were evaluated on corn grown at two locations for 4 years.Dinoseb with a surfactant was applied as a foliar spray at the rate of 190 to 238 liters/ha. In 1974–73, dinoseb rates evaluated ranged from 0 to 70 g a.i./ha and were applied 2 weeks prior to tassel ing. 1974–73 one rate (12.5 g a.i./ha) of dinoseb was applied when the unemerged tassel was 1.3 or 17.8 cm in length. Three hybrids of differing maturity were planted on two dates for the test. Grain yield and ear or kernel moisture percentages were determined for all experiments. Tasseling and silking dates, test weight, barrenness, and 100‐kernel weight were recorded in some experiments.In general, grain yields were not statistically affected by dinoseb foliar application. Yield differences were small and in many cases the numerical difference between dinoseb treated and nontreated plots was negative. Percent moisture at harvest, tasseling and silking dates, kernel test weight, 100‐kernel weight, and barrenness were not statistically affected by foliar application of dinoseb. The lack of a significant yield increase, the low mean response, and the inconsistent response do not support foliar application of dinoseb to enhance corn grain yield.

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