
In the first decade of the 21st century, corn reddening occurred on a larger scale not just in Banat, but also in some other regions of Serbia. The results of previous studies suggest phytoplasmas as potential causes ciixides as vectors and strong influence of environmental factors. Besides the changes in corn growing practices, crop rotation, and the use of pesticides, it is necessary to introduce appropriate hybrids into corn production. Within corn breeding programs, a highly tolerant corn reddening population has been identified. One cycle of combined S1-HS recurrent selection has been conducted with the goal to improve the characteristic of the population per se as well as its combining ability. Growing corn hybrids tolerant to reddening can provide satisfactorily and economically acceptable solution.


  • Jović J, Cvrković T, Mitrović M, Krnjajić S, Petrović A, Redinbaugh M G, Pratt R C, Hogenhout S A, Toševski I (2009): Stolbur phytoplasma transmission to maize by Reptalus panzeri and the disease cycle of maizer in Serbia

  • Summary: In the first decade of the 21st century, corn reddening occured on a larger scale not just in Banat, and in some other regions of Serbia

  • One cycle of combined S1-HS recurrent selection has been conducted with the goal to improve the characteristic of the population per se as well as its combining ability

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Priroda crvenila kukuruza

Dosadašnja istraživanja nisu u potpunosti dala odgovor na pitanje šta je prouzrokovač fitoplazma verovatni prouzrokovač crvenila kukuruza. Verovatno je ovo bio glavni razlog što se dugo vremena nije sumnjalo na fitoplazme kao prouzrokovače crvenila, jer se navedeni simptomi ne javljaju na biljkama kukuruza u nas. U mnogim regionima Srbije bilo je više nego dovoljno padavina, dobro raspoređenih tokom vegetacije, ali se i ova godina može okarakterisati kao godina sa intenzivnom pojavom crvenila. Ogledi sa insekticidima za tretiranje semena i folijarnu primenu tokom vegetacije su izvođeni sa ciljem da se utvrdi veza između insekata, kao direktnih ili mogućih vektora bioloških agenasa i crvenila kukuruza. Kod biljaka zaraženih fitoplazmom žbunaste patuljavosti kukuruza (MBS phytoplasma - maize bushy stunt phytoplasma) ustanovljeno je povećanje sadržaja šečera u listu, a smanjenje u korenu, što ukazuje na poremećaje u transportu fotosintata floemom usled blokiranja istog metabolitima patogena ili biljke domaćina (Junqueira et al 2005). Pošto različiti patogeni mogu izazivati kako tipične, tako i netipične simptome (Nault 1980), s pravom se postavlja pitanje – da li je crvenilo kukuruza u Srbiji prouzrokovano samo stolbur fitoplazmom ili je u pitanju mnogo kompleksniji problem?

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Oplemenjivanje kao mera borbe
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