
1948 represents a turning point in the “intimate”, intellectual, academic biography of Rosa Del Conte. In fact, the sudden repatriation, determined by the complex political situation, marks the conclusion of her Romanian work experience. It was a sixyear footnote which was, first, an opportunity to open up to the Romanian cultural space. Upon returning to Italy, Rosa Del Conte became a spokesperson for the Romanian language and culture, first in Milan and later in Rome. Brilliant philologist and literary critic, passionate professor, Rosa Del Conte manages to maintain relations with the cultural elite that remained in Romania during the difficult years of communism, but also with Romanian intellectuals active in Europe. Starting from the archival material, especially from the correspondence, kept at the Fondo italo-rumeno della Prof.ssa Del Conte, I intend to propose a reconstruction of the Italian professor network of human and academic relations. To support the working hypothesis, I will propose two (synthetic) case studies from Rosa Del Conte’s correspondence: Emil Turdeanu and Lucian Blaga.

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