
AbstractA retract of a graph Γ is an induced subgraph Ψ of Γ such that there exists a homomorphism from Γ to Ψ whose restriction to Ψ is the identity map. A graph is a core if it has no nontrivial retracts. In general, the minimal retracts of a graph are cores and are unique up to isomorphism; they are called the core of the graph. A graph Γ is G‐symmetric if G is a subgroup of the automorphism group of Γ that is transitive on the vertex set and also transitive on the set of ordered pairs of adjacent vertices. If in addition the vertex set of Γ admits a nontrivial partition that is preserved by G, then Γ is an imprimitive G‐symmetric graph. In this paper cores of imprimitive symmetric graphs Γ of order a product of two distinct primes are studied. In many cases the core of Γ is determined completely. In other cases it is proved that either Γ is a core or its core is isomorphic to one of two graphs, and conditions on when each of these possibilities occurs is given.

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