
The prevalence of acute appendicitis as the number 1 inflammatory disease, occurring in 1 out of 500-600 inhabitants of the world population, has made it imperative for us to study the pathology of the inflammation in the presurgery stage. The present paper is a retrospective study, conducted on 147 patients diagnosted and operated for acute appendicitis in our clinic, between October, 1st, 2009 and January, 15th, 2012. The pre-surgical stage comprised clinical data, and also an important number of paraclinical data, out of which, for the purpose of this presentation, we selected bilirubin and leukogram. These pre-surgery biological markers were correlated to the post-operatory pathological anatomy results. These results confirmed our hypothesis that the paraclinical stage in diagnosing the acute appendicitis consists in the inflammation prognosis factors, which can be highlighted through a complex paraclinical range of methods, later confirmed by both the clinical stage, and its anatomo-pathological forms.


  • These results confirmed our hypothesis that the paraclinical stage in diagnosing the acute appendicitis consists in the inflammation prognosis factors, which can be highlighted through a complex paraclinical range of methods, later confirmed by both the clinical stage, and its anatomo-pathological forms

  • Brănescu C. – Lipopolysaccharide binding protein, immunoglobulina 6 şi bilirubina – factori de prognostic în apendicita acută – Teză de doctorat (2012)

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Leucocitoză şi forma anatomopatologică în apendicita acută. Prevalenţa apendicitei acute ca afecţiune inflamatorie numărul unu, cu incidenţă de 1 la 500-600 de locuitori din populaţia planetei, ne-a impus investigarea preoperatorie a patologiei inflamaţiei. Etapa preoperatorie a inclus date clinice, dar şi o paletă paraclinică importantă, din care pentru prezentarea actuală s-au selectat bilirubina şi leucograma. S-au analizat corelaţiile între valorile preoperatorii ale acestor markeri şi forma anatomopatologică în apendicita acută confirmată postoperator. Rezultatele au confirmat faptul că etapa paraclinică în diagnosticul apendicitei acute este cea a factorilor de prognostic ai inflamaţiei, ce pot fi evidenţiaţi printr-o gamă paraclinică complexă, confirmată atât clinic, cât şi de formele anatomopatologice. Cuvinte cheie: apendicită acută, bilirubinemie, leucocitoză, anatomie patologică, inflamaţie

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