
Most nuclear structure calculations, even for full configuration interaction approaches, are performed within truncated model spaces. These require consistent transformations of the Hamiltonian and operators to account for the missing physics beyond the active space, so that several recent efforts have been devoted to find compatible derivations of the effective operators. The effective charges employed in the shell-model calculations, and fitted to reproduce experimental data, can be seen as the phenomenological counterpart of such renormalization for electromagnetic operators. Here, we make a first step to lay the bases for their microscopic derivation in the context of the Self-Consistent Green's Function approach. We compute electric quadrupole (E2) effective charges from microscopic theory by coupling the single-nucleon propagators to core-polarization phonons, derived consistently from a realistic nuclear interaction. The polarization effects are included by evaluating the Feynman diagrams that couple the internal multi-nucleon configurations to the single-particle transitions induced by the electromagnetic operator. The effective charges for E2 static moments and transitions are computed for selected isotopes in the Oxygen ($^{14}\text{O}$, $^{16}$O, $^{22}$O and $^{24}$O) and Nickel ($^{48}$Ni, $^{56}$Ni, $^{68}$Ni and $^{78}$Ni) chains. The values found are orbital dependent especially for the neutron effective charges, which show also a characteristic decreasing trend along each isotopic chain. In general, the values are compatible with the phenomenological ones commonly used for shell-model studies in the $0p\, 1s\, 0d$ and $1p\,0f\,0g_{\frac{9}{2}}$ valence spaces.The phenomenological shell-model effective charges can be explained through \textit{ab initio} approaches, where the sole experimental input comes from the fitting of the realistic nuclear interaction.

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