
We report the development and benchmark of multireference algebraic diagrammatic construction theory (MR-ADC) for the simulations of core-excited states and X-ray absorption spectra (XAS). Our work features an implementation that incorporates core-valence separation into the strict and extended second-order MR-ADC approximations (MR-ADC(2) and MR-ADC(2)-X), providing efficient access to high-energy excited states without including inner-shell orbitals in the active space. Benchmark results on a set of small molecules indicate that at equilibrium geometries, the accuracy of MR-ADC is similar to that of single-reference ADC theory when static correlation effects are not important. In this case, MR-ADC(2)-X performs similarly to single- and multireference coupled cluster methods in reproducing the experimental XAS peak spacings. We demonstrate the potential of MR-ADC for chemical systems with multiconfigurational electronic structure by calculating the K-edge XAS spectrum of the ozone molecule with a multireference character in its ground electronic state and the dissociation curve of core-excited molecular nitrogen. For ozone, the MR-ADC results agree well with the data from experimental and previous multireference studies of ozone XAS, in contrast to the results of single-reference methods, which underestimate relative peak energies and intensities. The MR-ADC methods also predict the correct shape of the core-excited nitrogen potential energy curve, and are in good agreement with accurate calculations using driven similarity renormalization group approaches. These findings suggest that MR-ADC(2) and MR-ADC(2)-X are promising methods for the XAS simulations of multireference systems and pave the way for their efficient computer implementation and applications.

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