
The present study measure the dimensions of the coracoid process of the scapula. The coracoid process is a projection that protrudes superolaterally from the upper border of the skull, resembling a bird's beak. It has a significant impact on shoulder function. The present study comprised of 104 adult dry scapulae of unknown age and sex, obtained from the Department of Anatomy of Institute of Medical Sciences & SUM hospital. The dimensions recorded were breath, length, height, thickness and types of coraco-glenoid space by using digital vernier calipers. These parameters were compared on both the sides. The most predominant coraco-glenoid space was found to be the round bracket (Type I). Statistically insignificant difference was noted in all four parameters between right and left. Though all the four parameters have higher values on right side in comparison to left side but the difference was statistically insignificant. The results are as such length of coracoid- 39.91±3.16 mm; width of coracoid- 14.00±2.03 mm; tip thickness of coracoid- 8.32±1.87 mm; height of base coracoid- 22.87±3.55 mm; width of base of coracoid- 10.50 ±2.64 mm; The various scapular dimensions obtained in this study will also be useful in comparative anatomy and manufacturing prosthetic products. The current study will be of immense help in orthopedic surgeries on the shoulder joint and in biomechanical engineering for designing implants for total shoulder replacement.

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