
The adverse outcomes of copyright violations to most businesses and Higher Education Institutions which depend on copyright in their operations have led these businesses and institutions to put in place stiffer measures with the view to avoiding lawsuits. Data collected from 38 library staff and head librarians from two public and two private universities using questionnaires and one-on-one interviews were used in a sequential mixed methods approach to investigate the mechanisms for copyright administration that ensure a balance of stakeholder rights in academic libraries in Ghana. Although participants had knowledge of the permitted use clauses in the copyright laws of Ghana they did not know of their right, and the right of library users to permitted use for: “Private copying,” “Illustrations for instructions,” and “For the benefit of libraries and archives.” Copyright was thus being administered to the disadvantage of library users. Library staff also lacked confidence, and rather shifted responsibility to other departments in the interpretation of the copyright laws. Thus, awareness of the law per se is only one part of the equation, the other part being its proper interpretation and administration.

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