
Previous, studies have shown that the dynein transporter compound has a role in diseases such as intellectual disability and cerebral malformations. However, the study of CNV in DYNC1I2 gene has not been reported. Q-PCR and data association analysis were used for DYNC1I2 gene copy in this study. In this study, blood samples were collected from five breeds of Chinese cattle (Qingchuan cattle, Xianan cattle, Yunling cattle, Pinan cattle and Guyuan cattle) for DYNC1I2 gene CNV type detection. SPSS 20.0 software and method of ANOVA were used to analyzed the association between types of CNV and growth traits. Results reveal that the distribution of different copy number types in different cattle breeds is different. Association analysis indicate that CNV of DYNC1I2 gene showed a positive effect in cattle growth: in XN cattle, individuals with deletion types showed better performance on height at hip cross (P<0.05); individuals with duplication types have better performance on body length (P<0.05) in PN cattle; individuals with deletion types was significantly correlated with chest width and Hucklebone width (P<0.05) in QC cattle; individuals with duplication types in Yunling cattle were better than the normal types, and there was a significant correlation between copy number variant and chest depth (P<0.05). The results showed that CNV markers closely related to cattle production traits were detected at DNA level, which could be used as an important candidate molecular marker for marker-assisted selection of growth traits in Chinese cattle, and provided a new research basis for genetics and breeding of Chinese beef cattle.

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