
Frequency of copulation was recorded in Indian vulture (Gyps indicus) throughout the year or before and after egg laying periods. During the study total average 192 to 193 copulation attempts were recorded in each breeding pairs of Indian vulture. Maximum copulation attempts were observed in morning (6.00-8.00 and 8.00- 10.00 am) and evening (4.00-6.00pm) hours. Very few copulations attempts were observed afternoon (12.00 to 4.00 pm). Overall mean copulations attempts were highest recorded in month of October (10.4) followed by September (6.733), April (2.667), November (2.3), May (2.3), March (2.13) and lowest copulations attempts were recorded in June (1.9) or summer season. No copulation attempts were sighted during Dec – February month, the reason for this might be, because during these months Indian vultures usually spend time in incubation and pre hatchling cares. During study in study area before copulation aerial display behavior was completely absent in Indian vulture. Allopreening and self-preening activities were frequently sighted before and after copulations.

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