
Abstract. Either an excess or a deficiency of minerals have been involved in the etiol-ogy of autistic disorder. The objective of this study was to determine serum concentration and dietary intake of these elements in 30 subjects with autistic disorder classified ac-cording to their functioning level and 20 con-trol subjects. We detected statistically signif-icant differences (p < 0.05) related to high levels of Cu and low levels of Mg in subjects with autistic disorder compared to control group. Cooper serum level in subjects with high-functioning autism was higher than the control group and subgroups of subjects with this disorder. Concluding, results point to a possible imbalance in cooper homeostasis in this disorder as well as a physiological regulation of cooper in subjects with high-functioning autism, which could be influenc-ing the expression of low symptoms in this subgroup of subject. Introduction Pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) are characterized by a serious disturbance, generalized in three areas of development: reciprocal social interaction; verbal commu-nication, non-verbal and imaginative activ-ity; markedly restricted repertoire of activi-ties and interests [1]. Qualitative alterations that determine these disorders are clearly in-appropriate to the development level or men-tal age of the subject. These kind of disorders include Autistic disorder, Asperger disorder, Rett disorder, Childhood disintegrative dis-order and Pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) [2].In the etiology of autistic disorder have been involved, different biological factors, among which include genetic factors, infectious diseas-es and pre-, peri- and post-natal care complica-tions. Also found were structural, alterations of cerebellum, limbic system and temporal lobe, as well as metabolic and biochemical modifi-cations [3]. An excess or deficiency of natural essential minerals has been implicated in the etiology of autism [4].Given the importance to essential miner-als for the development of the central ner-vous system, immune system and other func-tions, the imbalance in these metals could be involved in escalation of behaviors typical of autism such as: alteration in the develop-ment of physical, speaking and social skills, abnormal perceptual responses, repetitive routines, cognitive disorders and abnormal eating behavior.

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