
1. The initial precipitation of copper-salicylaldoxime occurs at pH~1.5.Between pH 1.5 and 3.0, the precipitation is incomplete. A complete precipitation occurs in the pH-region of 3–10. Between pH 10.1 and 10.7 the precipitate redissolves At higher pH's a clear solution is obtained. 2. The solubility of copper salicylaldoximate is about ten times greater in 0.01M sulfuric acid (~0.5·10 -4 mol) than in 0.1 M acetic acid. 3. In 10 ml of 0.1 M acetic acid solution in the presence of ~99% foreign bivalent metals, one mg copper could be determined heterometrically with an error of 1–2%. 4. In the presence of ~95% alumin um or chromium, either citrate or tartrate (0.2 M) were used as masking agents. In the presence of iron (~ 95%), clear end-points were obtained only with citrate. One mg of copper could be determined with an error of 0–3%. 5. Whichever pH is used, copper is not precipitated in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetate.

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