
The purpose of this study is to develop methodological tools and assess the energy efficiency of Russian copper companies in comparison with the world's leading competitors as the basis for ensuring their competitive development. It is shown that in today's conditions the defining vector of economic development in the leading countries of the world is the concept of low-carbon development and the implementation of the model of a «green economy, based on the introduction of energy-efficient low-carbon technologies that reduce energy intensity and the level of greenhouse gas emissions, on the widespread implementation of energy conservation policies and stimulating the rational use of energy resources A scientific and methodological approach to researching and increasing the competitiveness of companies based on their energy efficient development based on the use of a systematic approach and the principle of feedback between the company's competitiveness and the implementation of its energy efficient development strategy is proposed. A methodological approach to assessing the energy efficiency of companies has been developed, based on the use of indicative analysis and comparative analysis of energy efficiency indicators. Within the framework of the developed methodology, a system of indicators of the company's energy efficiency is proposed, which is based on a three-level assessment at the following levels: the level of the production complex as a whole; the level of certain types of products manufactured by the production complex; the level of the technological process for the production of products. Within the framework of the considered three-tier system, a block system of energy efficiency indicators of the company has been formed. The conceptual scheme of the methodology for the multicriteria selection of priority energy-efficient projects for the development of the company is proposed, based on a complex multi-stage procedure, as a result of the implementation of which the selection of the set of projects is made that will provide the maximum effect from the standpoint of increasing the company's energy efficiency. Practical testing of the proposed methodological developments was carried out in relation to the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company - the largest domestic company in the field of copper and copper products production - in comparison with the world's leading competitors. The results of the approbation showed a significant lag of the company in a number of key energy efficiency indicators from the world's leading manufacturers.

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