
The main way to deal with COVID-19 is social distancing. As a result, the governments of differentcountries imposed lockdowns. Bangladesh Government directed shutdown of offices and public transporton 26th March, 2020 opening everything on limited scale from 31st May, 2020. Pakistan governmentordered lockdown in the middle of March, 2020 easing to restore economic activities on 10th August 2020.The current cross-sectional study aims to look at how and what type of coping strategies were taken bytax-paying male bankers in patriarchal countries of Bangladesh and Pakistan when they were faced withlockdown at home due to COVID-19 with data collected by Coping Strategy Indicator. The men were seento have more emotion based coping due to a different sort of exposure which is unlike of men. This is thefirst study to assess the effect of lockdown of COVID-19 on coping of highly paid tax-paying bankers inBangladesh and Pakistan.

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