
Gender- based violence (GBV) has reached a level where it is now considered as one of the pandemics in South Africa. This article is written in response to the call of papers from Unisa about Black Theology of Liberation and engages literature reviews. The article is methodologically interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary for constructive research findings and conclusions. It sets to investigate the coping strategies of women in the churches in dealing with gender-based violence (GBV) and the role of the church in addressing GBV. As women continue to fill the pews of the churches in South Africa, the question remains on how women are coping with this devastating pandemic of gender-based violence. What are the different strategies that are put in place in churches that assist (empower) women to cope and if they hold a future in dealing with gender-based violence? Strategic initiatives from both social and natural sciences will be engaged towards finding solutions to address this social menace that affect women negatively. The research will also identify the various interventions utilized by the church in addressing cases of GBV. Conclusion determined by research outcomes and strategic suggestions for women to address and cope with gender-based violence contribute towards the solutions of this pandemic.

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