
Children with vertically acquired HIV face the challenges of adolescence in addition to the demands of coping with their illness. The relationship between coping and psychological adjustment has been widely studied in adults and children with chronic diseases but it is poorly understood in adolescents with HIV. This study aimed to identify whether a UK sample of adolescents with vertically acquired HIV had poor psychological adjustment and to clarify the relationship between coping and psychological adjustment in this sample. Thirty adolescents with vertically acquired HIV (aged 11–17) filled in questionnaires of coping and psychological adjustment and a correlational design was used to determine if specific coping styles were related to quality of psychological adjustment. Results showed that younger children had lower levels of psychological adjustment than older adolescents, although as a group the adolescents scored within normal ranges. Psychological adjustment was significantly related to two coping styles, Ventilating feelings and Being humorous. Exploratory analysis examined the extent of HIV disclosure in this sample and the degree of satisfaction felt about the nature of communication about the diagnosis. The results showed that participants had few confidants but were satisfied with the nature of communication about their status. The level of satisfaction was not related to adjustment. On the basis of the results, potential clinical implications for adolescents with vertically acquired HIV who might be struggling not only with the challenging demands of adolescence but also with their illness are discussed. The need to adopt a developmental approach to coping and psychological adjustment is emphasized.

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