
High nutritious natural food for larval fish at a hatchery is copepods. However, the use of copepod for fish hatchery in Indonesia has not developed yet, it is related to the constrain on copepod mass culture. The species of Copepod that has been widely used is Acartia spp.. The objective of this study was to determine the formulated diet for Acartia spp. mass culture. Four formulated diets were the combination of three materials i.e. i.e. fish meal, PSP meal and krill meal. The diets were applied in 1500 L mass culture. The finding of this study emphasize that feed formula PS-P + krill (TR) is considered as the promising feed for Acartia spp mass culture. This finding also indicates that in the incoming time it is crucial to develop copepods feed to boost copepods production by including marine algae that exclusively produce Omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA, the nutrients play a vital role in copepods reproduction and growth

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