
The article is devoted to the analysis of critical infrastructure objects protection problems, in particular coordination the provision of that protection. The article examines the problematic issues of legal and organizational support for the critical infrastructure protection, considers the establishment of coordination body in the field of critical infrastructure protection and proposes methodological principles of its activities. The authors state that the defined mechanisms and procedures of interaction between the existing national security and crisis response systems are insufficiently developed and tested for cases of large-scale crisis situations. It is indicated that the issues of CI protection were included in the number of priority areas of the state national security policy of Ukraine. The bill of law «On Intelligence», which defines the legal and organizational principles of intelligence, the legal status and social guarantees of intelligence officers and the procedure for monitoring intelligence, is analyzed. The article includes the analysis of the bill «On Critical Infrastructure and its Protection», the content of which provides for the establishment of the Authorized Body for Critical Infrastructure Protection, which is responsible for coordinating the activities of ministries and other central executive bodies in the field of protection and safety of critical infrastructure . The authors conclude that the establishment of coordinating bodies of special competence is an important component of ensuring the security of Ukraine's national interests from real and potential threats. It is noted that the experience of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in the world and in Ukraine has shown high priority in ensuring the functioning of critical infrastructure. The article proposes that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submit to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine a revised bill on critical infrastructure and its protection; develop and approve the procedure for classifying facilities as critical infrastructure and create a register of facilities classified as CI; develop and approve the National Plan for Critical Infrastructure Protection of Ukraine.


  • Статтю присвячено аналізу проблем захисту об’єктів критичної інфраструктури, зокрема координації забезпечення такого захисту

  • У таких умовах важливим є створення Уповноваженого органу у сфері захисту критичної інфраструктури, що скоординує та гармонізує діяльність державних органів, приватного сектору, населення та інших суб’єктів процесів, спрямованих на забезпечення захисту КІ

  • Попри критику багатьох науковців та експертів проєкту Закону від 27.05.2019 No 10328 «Про критичну інфраструктуру та її захист» [16], у зазначеному законопроєкті було запропоновано створення Уповноваженого органу у сфері захисту критичної інфраструктури

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Статтю присвячено аналізу проблем захисту об’єктів критичної інфраструктури, зокрема координації забезпечення такого захисту.

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