
Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the developed methodology using special exercises on the coordination ladder to increase the level of physical fitness of female gymnasts 8-9 years old during online training. Material, participants and methods: 24 female athletes aged 8-9 years old, who are engaged in artistic gymnastics in the basic training group of the first year of study, were divided into control and main groups of 12 female athletes. Work experience: 3-4 years. Type of training in both groups – online training. The training process of the main group for the development of physical qualities included special exercises on the coordination ladder. In the training process of the control group for the development of physical qualities, exercises from the program were used. To assess the strength qualities of female athletes, the following tests were used: T1-lifting the legs in the hang on the gymnastic wall until the foot touches the rail behind the head (number of times); T2 – «Hanging angle», (s); T3 - lifting the legs to a right angle in the hang on the gymnastic wall (number of times). To assess the speed-strength qualities of female gymnasts, the following tests were used: T4-jumping up, bending over from a squat (number of times in 20 s); T5 pull-ups in 10 s (number of times); T6 long jump from a place (cm). To assess the coordination abilities of gymnasts, the «Yula» test was used, (s) (according to Karpenko L.A., Viner I.A., Sivitsky V.A., 2007) and shuttle run 4x9 m, (s) (Order of the Ministry of Youth and sport of Ukraine, 2018). Group results were compared using Student's t-test and nonparametric Rosenbaum's t-test (Q). Results: as a result of the introduction of a methodology using special exercises on the coordination ladder to increase the level of physical fitness of female gymnasts 8-9 years old during online training, statistically significant (p<0,05–0,01) improvements in performance were obtained for all tests, except the result of the «Hanging angle» test (static strength). The best results were shown by female gymnasts in speed-strength jumping exercises (T4; and T6) and coordination exercises (T7 and T8), where the probability of significant differences reached 99% at p<0,01. In tests for the development of speed-strength qualities and dynamic strength of the abdominal press and arms, the proposed exercises on the coordination ladder turned out to be effective, which was confirmed by the results of tests T1, T3, T5. Conclusions: the positive influence of the developed methodology with the use of special exercises on the coordination ladder on the level of physical fitness of female gymnasts 8-9 years old during online training was determined. It was established that the proposed methodology contributed to the increase in the level of physical fitness of female athletes of the MG in all tests in comparison with the results of female athletes of the CG. The results obtained testify to the effectiveness of the developed methodology and allow us to recommend it for use in the training process of athletes in gymnastic sports at the stage of initial and basic training, for recreational and training sessions. The proposed exercises can be used both during online and offline training.

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