
Hydrothermal power plant coordination aims to minimize the total cost of operating system that is represented by fuel costand constraints during optimization. To perform the optimization, there are several methods that can be used. Simulated Annealing (SA) is a method that can be used to solve the optimization problems. This method was inspired by annealing or cooling process in the manufacture of materials composed of crystals. The basic principle of hydrothermal power plant coordination includes the use of hydro power plants to support basic load while thermal power plants were used to support the remaining load. This study used two hydro power plant units and six thermal power plant units with 25 buses by calculating transmission losses and considering power limits in each power plant unit aided by MATLAB software during the process. Hydrothermal power plant coordination using simulated annealing plants showed that a total cost of generation for 24 hours is $ 13,288,508.01.

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