
Visible light irradiation of cis-azobenzene bridging dinuclear η 6-areneruthenium complex [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2( cis-PhN = NC 6H 4OMe-p)](BF 4) 2 in the presence of excess DMSO led to precipitation of a new dinuclear complex containing 1 equiv. DMSO ligand, [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2(DMSO)](BF 4) 2 ( 6). A single crystal X-ray structural study of 6 revealed the presence of bridging DMSO ligand which uses O and S atoms as the donor. Treatment of 6 with 1 and 2 equiv. NaBAr f (BAr f = B[C 6H 3(CF 3) 2-2,5] 4) afforded [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2(DMSO)](BF 4)(BAr f) and [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2(DMSO)](BAr f) 2, respectively, although the former was not isolated but assumed to exist only in solution by conductivity measurements. A neutral dinuclear areneruthenium complex with a bridging SO 4 2 - ligand, [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2(SO 4)] was prepared from the hydroxide [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2(OH)]BF 4 and [Et 3NH](HSO 4). The SO 4 2 - ion in this complex coordinates to dicationic Ru 2 center rather strongly in CH 2Cl 2, while in MeOH the complex lies in equilibrium with a complex formed by methanolysis reaction, namely methoxy bridging dinuclear complex [Ru 2(η 6:η 1-C 6H 5CH 2CH 2CH 2O) 2(OMe)] + ( HSO 4 - ) .

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