
We have demonstrated that in rats activities of various enzymes related to gluconeogenesis and amino acid metabolism show circadian rhythms. Based on these results, we have explored the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian oscillation and phase response to light of the master clock located in the dorsomedial subdivision of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and found various proteins closely related to phase response such as BIT/SHPS-1 and those of circadian oscillation, some of which are involved in protein-tyrosine phosphorylation.On the other hand, we have presented several lines of evidence that the ventrolateral subdivision of the SCN includes not only the control center of energy supply to the brain, but also that of homeostasis such as blood glucose, blood pressure, water balance, and body temperature. We have also shown that besides these functions, the latter subdivision is involved in the regulations of hormone secretions such as insulin, glucagon, corticosterone and vasopressin. It has been also shown by electrophysiological means that light exposure to rat eye enhances sympathetic nerve activity, whereas it depresses parasympathetic nerve activity. Thus, environmental light is implicated not only in the phase-shift through the retinohypthalamic tract (RHT), but also control of autonomic nerve activities through the RHT, It is also discussed in this review how the two divisions are interconnected and how environmental light is involved in this interconnection.

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