
Coordinates or variables transformation between different reference frames is one of the main problems within sensor fusion, in calibration and in unmanned systems. This transformation has been carried out with different approaches; among them are the quaternion parameters and direction cosines. The nature of the systems and applications such as Teleoperation or semiautonomous systems necessitate fast computation, easy and concise manipulation approach to maintain transparency and stability of the system. In this paper, the properties of Geometric algebra such as vector reflection and rotation are used to find a new approach for coordinate transformation between reference frames. Using this approach, it is found that this formulation is simpler, with lower computational time and more obvious than other methods as it depends on the characteristics of Clifford algebra which unites vectors of different planes into a single mathematical system with a comprehensive geometric significance. For these reasons, Coordinate transformation using Clifford algebra is easily used in sensor fusion for unmanned systems.

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