
AbstractRelativistic quantum‐field theory provides the machinery for calculating wave functions or probability amplitudes depending upon space‐time coordinates. The currently accepted theory, however, fails to provide position operators and a means of measuring particle coordinates that are consistent with Dirac's properties of physical observables. This is because it calls for a space position probability distribution at a specified time. This paper shows, however, that space‐time event coordinate operators, together with a corresponding measurement procedure, can be found that are consistent with Dirac's requirements. This is done through a reinterpretation of the amplitudes computed by field theory and does not involve any change in that mathematical formalism. The measurement of the space‐time coordinates of an event is accomplished by detecting the absorption of a photon by a particle from each of two light pulses designed to overlap at a given point at a given time. If a final emitted photon has an energy whose sum with the final particle energy approximately equals the sum of the mean energies of the pulses, then the absorption of the two pulse photons must certainly have taken place within a distance the order of a Compton wavelength of the small space‐time region of overlapping pulses. This is clear from the fact that the high energy required to confine the pulses to very small volumes must throw a particle absorbing them far off the mass shell. Thus the absorption of the two photons throws the particle into a narrowly confined spatial wave function that must decay extremely rapidly—to within a Compton wavelength, a delta function in space‐time. This delta function is the eigenfunction of space‐time coordinate operators Xμ and is the scalar product of vectors in a Hilbert space spanned by spin–space‐time kets large enough to contain the operators of the Poincaré group. These event operators transform properly under the action of Poincaré operators but do not commute with the mass. If the Compton wavelength is not negligible compared to the accuracy desired in the coordinate measurements, individual coordinate measurements are no longer possible. Nevertheless, a large number of repeated coordinate measurements can be carried out to produce a coordinate probability distribution. This distribution can be unfolded to find a true coordinate probability distribution if the charge form factor is known from basic theory. An analysis of laboratory particle detection techniques shows that they actually determine space coordinates and energy rather than spatial coordinates at a given time. When this fact is included, the Klein–Nishina formula can be derived using the electromagnetic four‐vector potential as the photon probability amplitude wave. To clarify the meaning of the observables, a mass‐momentum measurement is described.

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