
An efficient excited state method, named xCDFCI, in the configuration interaction framework is proposed. xCDFCI extends the unconstrained nonconvex optimization problem in coordinate descent full configuration interaction (CDFCI) to a multicolumn version for low-lying excited states computation. The optimization problem is addressed via a tailored coordinate descent method. In each iteration, a determinant is selected based on an approximated gradient, and coefficients of all states associated with the selected determinant are updated. A deterministic compression is applied to limit memory usage. We test xCDFCI applied to H2O and N2 molecules under the cc-pVDZ basis set. For both systems, five low-lying excited states in the same symmetry sector are calculated, together with the ground state. xCDFCI also produces accurate binding curves of the carbon dimer in the cc-pVDZ basis with chemical accuracy, where the ground state and four excited states in the same symmetry sector are benchmarked.

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