
The relevance of the topic is due to the need to use of such category as “co-opetition†by public and local government authorities when implementing their powers in the tourism sphere. We divide the term “co-opetition†into two categories: “coexisting competition†and “competitive coexistence†. The problem field of the study is that in the conditions of crisis development, it is difficult to choose and implement new measures and approaches aimed at improving the economic situation in Russia and its regions, diversify the economy. In modern conditions, it is important and effective to develop domestic tourism and incoming tourism in Russia as well as its effective functioning. Russia has considerable natural and ecological, cultural and historical resources. However, the imperfection of the authorities operation and a mechanism of combined implementation of projects by different territories prevent the transformation of tourism industry into the economic powerhouse. In this regard, on the example of Siberian regions, we offer to the authorities to use co-opetition (in both of its meanings) in the combined development of tourism and to establish on this basis the tourist mega-cluster “Fairy Siberia†. The study of foreign experience has allowed revealing the positions, in which Russia falls behind other countries-leaders in the tourism industry. The proposed approach is promising, and it is based on joint efforts of regions and saving money due to the economies of scale. At the same time, it allows the regions to develop their competitive advantages. The practical significance of the received results consists in the possibility of their use by the public and local authorities in the implementation of effective policy for the development of tourism industry.

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