
AbstractThis paper tackles in an innovative way the issue on coopetition, by making use of service firms’ behavior in generating innovative services, to reveal their innovative performance and the dynamics of coopetition targeted at open innovation. For this purpose, we use a dataset of 1,221 service firms that participated in the European Community Innovation Survey (CIS), 2008. A probit analysis is conducted for “knowledge-intensive service (KIS) firms” and “less-KIS firms” and, the results reveal that coopetition arrangements between competing firms and scientific community, and also firms’ capacity to introduce innovations into the market, have a positive and significant influence on service firms’ behavior to generate service innovations. Furthermore, this study also reveals that the effects of introducing process innovations inside the firm and the existence of internal R&D activities are of major significance for influencing positively the innovative behavior of service firms.KeywordsAbsorptive capacityCoopetitionInnovationKnowledge-intensive services

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