
Abstract High-resolution CaIIH broad-band filter images of NOAA10933 on 2007 January 5 were obtained by the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode satellite. Many small-scale ($\sim$1") bright points were observed outside the sunspot and inside the emerging flux region. We identified some of these bright points with Ellerman bombs (EBs) by using H$\alpha$ images taken by the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida observatory. The sub-arcsec structures of two EBs seen in CaIIH were studied in detail. Our observation showed the following two aspects: (1) The CaIIH bright points identified with EBs were associated with the bipolar magnetic field structures, as reported by previous studies. (2) The structure of the CaIIH bright points turned out to consist of the following two parts: a central elongated bright core (0.7" $\times$ 0.5") located along the magnetic neutral line and a diffuse halo (1.2" $\times$ 1.8").

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