
The paper presents multi-objective optimization technique for the exploration of unknown space. Exploration refers to the building of an estimated finite map of the environment using sensor data. Conventionally, in robotics, the optimization is performed utilizing a single optimization technique with a particular objective function. This although simplifies the process but greatly compromise the map accuracy and exploration depth. Realizing this aspect, we present a new exploration technique with augmented objective functions, so as maximize the search area and map accuracy of the exploration space. The proposed framework termed as Multi-Objective Whale Optimization Algorithm (MO-WOA), is based on bio-inspired Whale Optimizer. It starts with the initialization of the whale’s population, which are referred to as way-points. These way-points are assumed to be constant once they are set in the initial stage/iterations. The next step involves the position update from the non-dominated way-points catered by the robots. The algorithm utilizing this optimization approach formulates the optimal way-points. The performance metrics are presented through extensive simulations. The results efficacy is then demonstrated by comparing the results of the proposed algorithm with those achieved from contemporary techniques namely Coordinated Multi-Robot Exploration (CME), conventional Whale Optimizer (WO) integrated with CME and Arithmetic Optimization (AO). Results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly improved the exploration parameters by enhancing the explored area and reducing the search time.

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