
An ion-exchange chromatography procedure was used to resolve apometallothionein from the metallo- form in a study of metal-thiolate cluster formation. Chromatography of metallothionein reconstituted with Cd(II), Zn(II), or Cu(I) at neutral pH on carboxymethyl-cellulose led to removal of apoprotein from a solution without effect on recovery of the metalloprotein. Analysis of the effluent revealed apparent cooperative binding of these metal ions to the protein. Addition of 1–4 mol eq Cd(II) ions led to the recovery of metallothionein with around 4 mol eq Cd bound. The yield of this form increased with increasing starting metal ion equivalency. These results were obtained with two different ion-exchange resins. The cooperativity of binding was not total, but was initially confined to the carboxyl-terminal α domain. The results of metal and protein yields are inconsistent with random, noninteractive binding. Similar data were obtained with Zn(II) and Cu(I) ions although Cu(I) exhibited initial cooperative binding within the aminoterminal β domain with over 5 mol eq Cu(I) bound.

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