
Subject of Research.We have presented a cooling system based on a heat pipe usage with the device of heat absorption from powerful sources, that is, the heat accumulator. Method.The operation principle of heat accumulator based on phase changes is that the thermal energy is consumed for melting of working substance, and is removed partly into the environment. The experimental setup was assembled for the research. The heat pipe studied in the experiment had flat flanges. The heat accumulator was installed between them. The stearic acid was used as the melting substance in the heat accumulator. Main Results. We have studied the characteristics of cooling system based on the heat pipe with the heat accumulator. We have got the heat resistance dependence of the heat pipe and heat-sink on input power. We have performed comparison of thetemperature dependence of the cooling object base from time, in conditions, when the heat pipe is equipped with a heat accumulator and without it. Based on the obtained results the time was determined necessary for the heat accumulator to provide thermal behavior of the heat generation object. Practical Relevance. The heat accumulator, used in the cooling system, has high heat of phase changes. Such heat accumulators are used to work in conditions of heat generation of device, which can be pulsed or periodic. The heat accumulator usage in cooling system will reduce the heat-sink dimensions, reduce the amplitude of temperature fluctuations of cooled object and thereby improve its reliability.

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