
The cooling dynamics of a 2D granular gas of elongated particles is analyzed. We performsimulations on the temporal evolution of soft particles, using a molecular dynamicsalgorithm. For weakly dissipative particles, we found a homogeneous cooling process wherethe overall translational kinetic energy decreases analogously to viscoelastic circularparticles. In contrast, for strongly dissipative particles we observed an inhomogeneouscooling process where the diminishing of translational kinetic energy notably slows down.The rotational kinetic energy, however, always decays in agreement with Haff’sprediction for the homogeneous cooling state of inelastic particles. We mainlyfound that the cooling kinetics of the system is controlled by the mechanismsthat determine the local energy dissipation (collisions). However, we detected astrong influence of particle shape and inelasticity on the structure of the clusterswhich develop in the inhomogeneous cooling regimes. Our numerical outcomessuggest that strong dissipation and particle anisotropy induce the formation ofordered cluster structures that retards the relaxation to the final asymptotic regime.

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