
The new species Bonamia jiviorum J. R. Grande (Convolvuloideae, Cresseae) is described and illustrated from northwestern Amazonas in Venezuela. This new taxon is morphologically similar to B. apurensis D. F. Austin. It is characterized by its relatively small, ovate-orbicular leaves that are densely rough-tomentulose over both surfaces and have a truncate to subcordate base and rounded to obtuse, mucronulate or minutely retuse apex; relatively lax, aphyllous infructescences with relatively short peduncles and relatively short, adpressed bracts; orbicular sepals; glabrous fruits crowned by copper-colored setose hairs; and densely pustulate, irregularly striate, conspicuously winged seeds. Bonamia jiviorum is known only from the vicinity of Puerto Ayacucho, over low-altitude granitic boulders known locally as lajas.

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