
Stereo matching has been studied for many years and is still a challenge problem. The Markov Random Fields (MRF) model and the Conditional Random Fields (CRF) model based methods have achieved good performance recently. Based on these pioneer works, a deep conditional random fields based stereo matching algorithm is proposed in this paper, which draws a connection between the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and CRF. The object knowledge is used as a soft constraint, which can effectively improve the depth estimation accuracy. Moreover, we proposed a CNN potential function that learns the potentials of CRF in a CNN framework. The inference of the CRF model is formulated as a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). A variety of experiments have been conducted on KITTI and Middlebury benchmark. The results show that the proposed algorithm can produce state-of-the-art results and outperform other MRF-based or CRF-based methods.

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