
ABSTRACTThis study presents a workflow of using a convolutional neural network to automatically classify microseismic events originating from a more productive oil and gas‐bearing formation (the Eagle Ford Shale), as compared to events originating in less productive formations (the Austin Chalk and Buda Limestone). These microseismic events occur due to hydraulic stimulation and are recorded by fibre optic–distributed acoustic sensing measurements from a horizontal monitoring well. The convolutional neural network is trained to recognize guided wave energy in distributed acoustic sensing seismograms, since microseismic events originating within or close to a low‐velocity reservoir (such as the Eagle Ford) generate significant guided wave energy. The training of convolutional neural network is conducted using synthetic seismograms overlain with real noise profiles from field data. Field events with guided waves are then classified by the convolutional neural network as occurring within or close to the Eagle Ford, while events without guided waves are classified as occurring far outside the Eagle Ford. Noise attenuation steps (including a bandpass filter, median filter and non‐local means filter) are implemented to increase the signal‐to‐noise ratio of the field data and improve the classification accuracy. The accuracy of the convolutional neural network is measured by comparison with labels of the events determined by human inspection of guided wave presence. We also evaluate the impact of different network architectures and noise attenuation methods on classification accuracy. The accuracy and F1‐score of the final classification are both 0.85 when tested on a high signal‐to‐noise ratio subset of the field data. On the complete dataset including low signal‐to‐noise ratio events, an accuracy and F1‐score of 0.80 are achieved. These results demonstrate the high effectiveness of the trained convolutional neural network on guided wave detection and classification of microseismic events inside and outside the Eagle Ford formation.

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