
We show that, for any prime power n and any convex body K (i.e., a compact convex set with interior) in Rd, there exists a partition of K into n convex sets with equal volumes and equal surface areas. Similar results regarding equipartitions with respect to continuous functionals and absolutely continuous measures on convex bodies are also proven. These include a generalization of the ham-sandwich theorem to arbitrary number of convex pieces confirming a conjecture of Kaneko and Kano, a similar generalization of perfect partitions of a cake and its icing, and a generalization of the Gromov-Borsuk-Ulam theorem for convex sets in the model spaces of constant curvature. Most of the results in this paper appear in arxiv:1011.4762 and in arxiv:1010.4611. Since the main results and techniques there are essentially the same, we have merged the papers for journal publication. In this version we also provide a technical alternative to a part of the proof of the main topological result that avoids the use of compactly supported homology.

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