
This work determined the feasibility of producing two highly demanded products (cornmeal (CM) snacks and gelatin power) with antioxidant properties and using dry-salted brown cannonball jellyfish umbrella (UM) and oral arms (OAs). Desalted and rehydrated UM and OAs were subjected to drying and milling processes to produce jellyfish flours (UMF and OAF). Five cornmeal snacks were made: 100% CM and ones containing 20% UMF; 50% UMF; 20% OAF; and 50% OAF. Meanwhile, gelatin was obtained from UM and OAs through 0.5 M HCl hydrolysis and thermal and cold maturation treatment. Jellyfish flours increased the protein content of cornmeal snacks. Only OAF improved its antioxidant activity. The addition of 20% OAF did not affect the sensory characteristics of cornmeal snacks. Gelatin from UM had a lower crude protein level, and a gelatin β-component was not observed. Higher hydroxyproline content by HPLC and proton peaks at higher 1H–NMR fields were observed in OA gelatin. OA gelatin exhibited higher viscosity, foam, and in vitro antioxidant properties.

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