
X-ray and laser diffraction methods were used to determine basic physical and chemical properties of conversion calcium carbonate. It was found that for obtaining standard product for use as a filler, it is necessary to regrind it. The results of dispersion changes in conversion chalk (chalk stone) were expressed in terms of median (D50), maximum (D98) and minimum (D10) particle size. It was established that during the grinding process a transition occurs from the initial odiomodal distribution to the bimodal distribution, which is characterized by a sufficiently wide range of the sizes of the particles of the crushed material. The optimum parameters of grinding were determined. With the help of SEM method, used before and after grinding of conversion calcium carbonate, it was established that the particles of primary material are represented by polycrystalline dense aggregates of spherical shape, due to mass crystallization of calcium carbonate at the condition of high supersaturation according to polynuclear growth mechanism. The component composition of water-soluble impurities was quantitatively estimated on the basis of the determination of the content of nitrate N-NO3- and ammonium N-NH4+ forms of nitrogen in various forms of presence-total, bound, water-soluble, and additional determination of the Ca2+ content of calcium ions in aqueous extract. It has been experimentally established that preliminary heat treatment of conversion calcium carbonate allows to significantly reduce the total content of water-soluble substances in the ground product by more than 5 times: at a temperature of 400 ° C, the degree of removal by NH4+ and NO3- ions is ~ 40-50%, and at 500 ° C - ~ 60% for NO3- and ~ 90% for NH4+. The estimation of the possibility of using the obtained product as a filler of polymer composite materials was done comparing the main parameters (CIELab (W and L) color characteristics, bulk density, dispersed composition, specific surface, pH of aqueous extract) with known finely ground natural chalk and microcalcite. Forcitation:Rudakova L.V., Niftaliev S.I., Natarova E.S. Conversion calcium carbonate as filler of thermoplastics. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2017. V. 60. N 4. P. 100-107.

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