
A futuristic Technology Enhanced Learning concept, a conversational Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for deployment in an e-learning context, is gradually becoming a reality thanks to the continuous advancement in Artificial Intelligence and to the worldwide increasing demand for online learning, especially during the pandemic. However, we do need to consider whether such technology will support student learning or make learning more difficult. In the absence of a mature conversational Intelligent Tutoring System, this article aims to address this question indirectly through an investigation of how students and tutors in an online learning programme perceive the concept of conversational Intelligent Tutoring Systems, such as a chatbot, for online learning. This is achieved by surveying students who are currently enrolled in an online programme and interviewing the tutors on the same programme. The research concludes that ITS would very likely enhance online learning experience for both students and tutors, but there are various concerns that must be addressed.

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