
According to Dental Protection, 'good dentists are good communicators, it's that simple!' Unfortunately, dental communication is an under-researched field, so it is not yet clear exactly what good communication in this context entails. The dominant method of researching dental communication to date has followed a 'process approach' where the focus has been on evaluating the communicative competence of the clinician using a checklist of communicative functions; for example, 'the clinician explains the condition'. Conversation analysis, discourse analysis and linguistic analysis are discursive approaches that bring precision by analysing the actual language/discourses being used by patients and providers in interactions. These discursive approaches can be used to capture exactly how, for example, patient engagement is maintained in routine dental consultations, patient reassurance is achieved during invasive procedures and which communication strategies are the most likely to result in enhanced treatment outcomes in paediatric dentistry. In addition to shedding new light on the unique nature of dental communication, discursive approaches provide targeted new tools for developing needs-based training packages for dental professionals.

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